Category: News Page 2 of 18

General news about the site and author.

New Donation Platform!

I recently switched from Paypal to Ko-fi for my tips/donations. Ko-fi (pronounced coffee) essentially runs on Paypal anyway, but it’s less of a hassle to deal with, and allows me to interact more directly with my fans. There is art on my Ko-fi that is present here, and some that is only otherwise present on Deviant Art. Eventually there will be some exclusive art there as well.

My Ko-fi account can be found here, or as a button on the footer menu of both the main site and the Cosmos page. Don’t worry about the “Buy the Author a Coffee” bit–that’s just a metaphor for leaving a tip that Ko-fi uses (hence the name of the site). Since I also engage in some (very) amateur photography, I also have a donation drive toward a relatively inexpensive but high quality point-and-shoot, recommended by both Photography Blog and Digital Photography Review. Check that out too!

Two New Pages Added!

Two pages I have been working on for a while now have just been added to the site. They are The Arsenal–which showcases all weapons that have made an appearance so far in the story, and Additional Material, which deals mostly in background information. Both pages are a work in progress and will have more added to them as time goes on.

Inheritance released!

We’re just barely late, but Inheritance has been released! This story deals with a deity not yet seen in Deathscape, but for now, his name isn’t known. There are some other, disturbing details about the nature of the Deathscape Universe hidden in this story as well….

Inheritance News

Good News, folks! The rough draft to Inheritance is finished! within the next day or two, it will be uploaded to the Deathscape Cosmos page!

Cosmos Subdomain Back Up!

The Deathscape Cosmos page is up and running again. I’m not sure how it happened, but the A name for the page had been deleted. A new A Name was created the day it went down, and as of last night everything seems to be in order.

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